ALTA / NSPS Surveys
A surveying standard jointly proposed by the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors incorporates elements of the boundary survey, mortgage survey, and topographic survey.
ALTA/NSPS, frequently shortened to just ALTA, is used to determine property lines, identify positions for improvements, and locate easements and utilities.

City of Gresham ALTA Survey
Statewide was contracted by the City of Gresham Redevelopment Commission to perform an ALTA survey. The survey site was located at the former Drake’s 7 Dees Landscaping business found at the corner of SE 165th and Stark Street. Later, the survey data was used to support the design of a three-lot land division for the future home of the Boys and Girls Club.
Other Statewide ALTA Survey Projects
Cypress Creek Renewables, Airport Road, Silverton Oregon Argonaut Investments – Mid Valley Plaza, Woodburn Oregon American Capital Group – Columbia Trails Apartment, Gresham, Oregon American Property Development, Inc., Division/Wallula, Gresham Oregon MSC Duck LLC, Wallis Street, Eugene Oregon