Environmental Surveys
Environmental surveys, sometimes known as “Health Surveys” are often used for locating contaminated areas, ground borings, and monitoring wells. These measured points are typically put onto a state grid system and a known elevation datum. The Statewide Surveying crew is Chevron, LPS, and API certified. These certifications ensure survey crews have the knowledge and safety to access restricted sites.
Reasons for a Environmental Survey: Ground borings Monitoring wells Asbestos-containing materials Lead-based paints Radon gas Waste disposal facilities Proximity to wildlife areas or greenways Fuel or solvent contamination Buried fuel storage tanks Contamination from prior use
Other Statewide Environmental Survey Projects
PNG Environmental – Mallory’s Dairy, Silverton Oregon Amec Earth and Environmental – Former Martin Marietta Reduction Facility, The Dalles Oregon Maul Foster and Alongi – Sapa Profiles Inc., Portland Oregon Apex – Keizer/Salem area wide groundwater investigation, Keizer, Oregon Anchor QEA – Dyno Nobel, Deer Island, Oregon

Shell and Chevron Fueling Stations
Statewide Land Surveying has contracted with GHD (formerly Conestoga Rover and Assoc) since 2007 to provide survey data for over 100 Shell and Chevron fueling stations throughout Alaska, Oregon and Washington. Statewide provided site base mapping and geodetic data for the existing ground water monitoring wells. Survey data was used to support the analysis and investigations of the groundwater elevations and flow directions.